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 Liste des raws les plus courantes .

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 194
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2005

Liste des raws les plus courantes . Empty
MessageSujet: Liste des raws les plus courantes .   Liste des raws les plus courantes . Icon_minitimeLun 4 Juil - 12:46

Un petit tutos sur les raws Smile
Un raw est une réponse du server lors d'un évenement précis (whois, motd, changement de pseudo,...). Cette réponse peut étre interprétée par votre client IRC, à vous de mettre en forme toutes ces infos (couleurs, textes...) dans votre script (mIRC).

Lors d'un away

raw 305:*: { /echo -at *** Vous n'êtes plus Away }
raw 306:*: { /echo -at *** Vous êtes maintenant Away }

Lors d'un whois

raw 301:*: { /echo -at *** $2 est Away : $3- }
$2 étant le pseudo whoisé et $3- la raison de son away

raw 317:*: { /echo -at *** Idle: $duration($3) , Connecté depuis $temps3($4) }
Le server donne le temps d'inactivitée ($3) et l'heure/date de connection de maniére "brut" qu'il faut interprété ($duration sous mIRC par ex)

raw 311:*: { /echo -at *** pseudo : $2 - adresse: $3 $+ @ $+ $4 - Vrai Nom: $6- }
Ce raw permet d'avoir l'adresse(host) de la personne ainsi que son pseudo et son realname.

raw 312:*: { /echo -at *** Serveur $3- }
Ce raw permet de savoir sur quel server est connecté le pseudo whoisé.

raw 313:*:{
if ( Services isin $1- ) { echo -at *** $2 est un IRCop L2 (Services Admin)
if ( Server isin $1- ) { echo -at *** $2 est un IRCop L3 (Server Admin)
else { echo -at *** $2 est un IRCop L1
Ce raw 313 permet de vérifié lors d'un whois que la personne est bien IRCop avec son level (L1, L2, ou L3)

raw 310:*: { /echo -at *** $2 est habilité a aider }
Ce raw est utilisé sur certains servers (mode +h) pour les "helpers".

raw 319:*: { /echo -at *** Salons: $3- }
Permet de voir les salons où le pseudo whoisé est présent (sauf pour les salons en mode secret ou privé)

raw 379:*: { /echo -at *** Modes $6- }
Ce raw (pour les IRCops plutot) permet de voir les modes du chatteur whoisé.

raw 318:*: { /echo -at *** Fin du whois }
Ce raw signal la fin du whois.

Lors d'un /join #salon:

raw 329:*: { /echo -at *** salon crée le $temps3($3-) }
raw 331:*: { /echo -at *** salon: $2 - Aucun topic mis pour le salon $+ $2 }
raw 332:*: { /echo -at *** topic actuel $3- }
raw 324:*:{
if ($3 == +) { /echo -at *** $2 Pas de mode définie sur $2 }
else { /echo -at *** $2 mode $3 sur $2 }
raw 333:*:{ /echo -at *** $2 mis à $asctime($4,hh:nn:ss) par $3 }
Ces raws permettent d'obtenir des infos (topic, date de création, etc) d'un salon que l'on viens de rejoindre.

Autres raws:

raw 341:*: { /echo -at *** $2 a été invité sur le salon $3 }
raw 366:*: { /echo -at *** Fin de la liste /NAMES de $2 }
raw 369:*: { /echo -at *** Fin des WHOWAS }
raw 381:*: { /echo -at *** Vous êtes maintenant un IRCop }
raw 382:*: { /echo -at *** IrCd.CoNf rehashing }
raw 403:*: { /echo -at *** Salon $2 non trouvé ou invalide. Ne pas oublier le # }
raw 404:*: { /echo -at *** Vous ne pouvez rien transmettre au salon $2 (+n, +m ou +b) }
raw 405:*: { /echo -at *** Vous ne pouvez pas joindre $2 car, vous avez joint trop de salons }
raw 406:*: { /echo -at *** Le nickname $2 est introuvable }
raw 416:*: { /echo -at *** $2 trop de lignes à transmettre, reduisez vos recherches }
raw 421:*: { /echo -at *** $2 Commande invalide }
raw 314:*: { /echo -at *** $2 étais $4- }
raw 315:*: { /echo -at *** Fin des listes /WHO }
raw 431:*: { /echo -at *** Vous n'avez pas donné de nickname }
raw 432:*: { /echo -at *** Vous ne pouvez pas prendre ce nickname : $2 }
raw 433:*: { /echo -at *** $2 : Ce nickname est déja utilisé }
raw 438:*: { /echo -at *** Vous changez de nick trop rapidement. Svp attendez $9 secondes }
raw 439:*: { /echo -at *** La destination est changée trop rapidement. Svp attendez $9 secondes }
raw 441:*: { /echo -at *** $2 n'est pas sur le salon $3 }
raw 442:*: { /echo -at *** Vous n'êtes pas sur le salon $2 }
raw 443:*: { /echo -at *** $2 est déja sur le salon $3 }
raw 465:*: { /echo -at *** Vous êtes banni de ce server }
raw 471:*: { /echo -at *** Vous ne pouvez pas joindre le salon $2 car, il est plein (+l) }
raw 473:*: { /echo -at *** Vous ne pouvez pas joindre le salon $2 il est en mode invité (+i) }
raw 474:*: { /echo -at *** Vous ne pouvez pas joindre le salon $2 car vous êtes banni (+b) }
raw 475:*: { /echo -at *** Vous ne pouvez pas joindre le salon $2 car il faut le mot de passe correct (+k) }
raw 478:*: { /echo -at *** La ban/ignore list du salon $2 est pleine }
raw 481:*: { /echo -at *** Permission refusée car vous n'êtes pas un IRCop }
raw 482:*: { /echo -at *** Vous n'êtes pas Op sur le salon $2 }
raw 483:*: { /echo -at *** Vous ne pouvez pas killer un serveur }
raw 484:*: { /echo -at *** Vous ne pouvez pas kicker ou déop un Admin CService }
raw 401:*: { /echo -at *** $2 n'est plus connecté à Voila/Wanadoo }
raw 402:*: { /echo -at *** Impossible ce serveur n'existe pas. }
raw 411:*: { /echo -at *** Impossible pas de destinataire }
raw 422:*: { /echo -at *** Attention Le motd du serveur n'as pu etre ouvert. }
raw 436:*: { /echo -at *** Impossible ce pseudo est déjà utilisé. }
raw 437:*: { /echo -at *** Impossible de changer de pseudo tu est banni sur un salon. }
raw 461:*: { /echo -at *** Attention il manque des paramettres à ta commande }
raw 472:*: { /echo -at *** Le mode du salon est inconnu }
raw 315:*: { /echo -at *** Who Salon $2 Fin de la liste }
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Nombre de messages : 253
Date d'inscription : 22/01/2005

Liste des raws les plus courantes . Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liste des raws les plus courantes .   Liste des raws les plus courantes . Icon_minitimeLun 4 Juil - 18:49

Groupe 000 (top)
001 :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network nickname
002 :Your host is server, running version ver
003 :This server was created datetime
004 server ver usermode chanmode
005 :map
007 :End of /MAP
008 num :: Server notice mask (hex)
Groupe 200 (top)
211 connection sendq sentmsg sentbyte recdmsg recdbyte :open
212 command uses bytes
213 C address * server port class
214 N address * server port class
215 I ipmask * hostmask port class
216 k address * username details
217 P port ?? ??
218 Y class ping freq maxconnect sendq
219 char :End of /STATS report
221 mode
222 mask :comment
223 E hostmask * username ?? ??
224 D ipmask * username ?? ??
241 L address * server ?? ??
242 :Server Up num days, time
243 o mask password user ?? class
244 H address * server ?? ??
247 G address timestamp :reason
248 U host * ?? ?? ??
249 :info
250 :Highest connection count: total (num clients)
251 :There are user users and invis invisible on serv servers
252 num :operator(s) online
253 num :unknown connection(s)
254 num :channels formed
255 :I have user clients and serv servers
256 :Administrative info about server
257 :info
258 :info
259 :info
263 :Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
265 :Current local users: curr Max: max
266 :Current global users: curr Max: max
271 nick mask
272 nick :End of Silence List
280 address timestamp reason
281 :End of G-line List
290 :num ***** topic *****
291 :text
292 : ***** Go to #dalnethelp if you have any further questions *****
293 :text
294 :Your help-request has been forwarded to Help Operators
298 nick :Nickname conflict has been resolved
Groupe 300 (top)
301 nick :away
302 :userhosts
303 :nicknames
305 :You are no longer marked as being away
306 :You have been marked as being away
307 :userips
310 nick :looks very helpful
311 nick username address * :info
312 nick server :info
313 nick :is an IRC Operator
314 nick username address * :info
315 request :End of /WHO list.
317 nick seconds signon :info
318 request :End of /WHOIS list.
319 nick :channels
321 Channel :Users Name
322 channel users :topic
323 :End of /LIST
324 channel mode
328 channel :url
329 channel time
331 channel :No topic is set.
332 channel :topic
333 channel nickname time
341 nick channel
346 channel invite nick time
347 channel :End of Channel Invite List
348 channel exception nick time
349 channel :End of Channel Exception List
351 version.debug server :info
352 channel username address server nick flags :hops info
353 = channel :names
364 server hub :hops info
365 mask :End of /LINKS list.
366 channel :End of /NAMES list.
367 channel ban nick time
368 channel :End of Channel Ban List
369 request :End of WHOWAS
371 :info
372 Bad info
374 :End of /INFO list.
375 Bad server Message of the Day -
376 :End of /MOTD command.
377 Bad info
378 Bad info
381 :You are now an IRC Operator
382 file :Rehashing
391 server :time
Groupe 400 (top)
401 nickname :No such nick
402 server :No such server
403 channel :No such channel
404 channel :Cannot send to channel
405 channel :You have joined too many channels
406 nickname :There was no such nickname
407 target :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered
409 :No origin specified
411 :No recipient given (command)
412 :No text to send
413 mask :No toplevel domain specified
414 mask :Wildcard in toplevel Domain
416 command :Too many lines in the output, restrict your query
421 command :Unknown command
422 :MOTD File is missing
423 server :No administrative info available
431 :No nickname given
432 nickname :Erroneus Nickname
433 nickname :Nickname is already in use.
436 nickname :Nickname collision KILL
437 channel :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel
438 nick :Nick change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.
439 target :Target change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.
441 nickname channel :They aren't on that channel
442 channel :You're not on that channel
443 nickname channel :is already on channel
445 :SUMMON has been disabled
446 :USERS has been disabled
451 command :Register first.
455 :Your username ident contained the invalid character(s) chars and has been changed to new. Please use only the characters 0-9 a-z A-Z _ - or . in your username. Your username is the part before the @ in your email address.
461 command :Not enough parameters
462 :You may not reregister
467 channel :Channel key already set
468 channel :Only servers can change that mode
471 channel :Cannot join channel (+l)
472 char :is unknown mode char to me
473 channel :Cannot join channel (+i)
474 channel :Cannot join channel (+b)
475 channel :Cannot join channel (+k)
477 channel :You need a registered nick to join that channel.
478 channel ban :Channel ban/ignore list is full
481 :Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator
482 channel :You're not channel operator
483 :You cant kill a server!
484 nick channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service
485 channel :Cannot join channel (reason)
491 :No O-lines for your host
Groupe 500 (top)
501 :Unknown MODE flag
502 :Cant change mode for other users
510 :You must resolve the nickname conflict before you can proceed
511 mask :Your silence list is full
512 address :No such gline
513 If you can't connect, type /QUOTE PONG code or /PONG code
Groupe 600 (top)
600 nick userid host time :logged offline
601 nick userid host time :logged online
602 nick userid host time :stopped watching
603 :You have mine and are on other WATCH entries
604 nick userid host time :is online
605 nick userid host time :is offline
606 :nicklist
607 :End of WATCH query

ADMIN (top)
256 :Administrative info about server
257 : info
258 : info
259 : info
423 server :No administrative info available
AWAY (top)
305 :You are no longer marked as being away
306 :You have been marked as being away
441 nickname channel :They aren't on that channel
441 nickname channel :They aren't on that channel
GLINE (top)
280 address timestamp reason
281 :End of G-line List
512 address :No such gline
HELPOP (top)
290 : num ***** topic *****
291 : text
292 : ***** Go to #dalnethelp if you have any further questions *****
293 : text
294 :Your help-request has been forwarded to Help Operators
INFO (top)
371 : info
374 :End of /INFO list.
INVITE (top)
341 nick channel
443 nickname channel :is already on channel
482 channel :You're not channel operator
ISON (top)
303 : nicknames
JOIN (top)
328 channel : url
332 channel : topic
333 channel nickname time
353 channel : names
366 channel :End of /NAMES list.
405 channel :You have joined too many channels
439 target :Target change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.
471 channel :Cannot join channel (+l)
473 channel :Cannot join channel (+i)
474 channel :Cannot join channel (+b)
475 channel :Cannot join channel (+k)
477 channel :You need a registered nick to join that channel.
485 channel :Cannot join channel ( reason)
KICK (top)
403 channel :No such channel
441 nickname channel :They aren't on that channel
482 channel :You're not channel operator
484 nick channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service
KILL (top)
483 :You cant kill a server!
484 nick channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service
LINKS (top)
364 server hub : hops info
365 mask :End of /LINKS list.
LIST (top)
321 Channel :Users Name
322 channel users : topic
323 :End of /LIST
LUSERS (top)
250 :Highest connection count: total (num clients)
251 :There are user users and invis invisible on serv servers
252 num :operator(s) online
253 num :unknown connection(s)
254 num :channels formed
255 :I have user clients and serv servers
265 :Current local users: curr Max: max
266 :Current global users: curr Max: max
MAP (top)
005 :map
007 :End of /MAP
MODE (top)
008 num :: Server notice mask (hex)
221 mode
324 channel mode
329 channel time
346 channel invite nick time
347 channel :End of Channel Invite List
348 channel exception nick time
349 channel :End of Channel Exception List
367 channel ban nick time
368 channel :End of Channel Ban List
403 channel :No such channel
441 nickname channel :They aren't on that channel
442 channel :You're not on that channel
467 channel :Channel key already set
468 channel :Only servers can change that mode
472 char :is unknown mode char to me
478 channel ban :Channel ban/ignore list is full
482 channel :You're not channel operator
484 nick channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service
501 :Unknown MODE flag
502 :Cant change mode for other users
MOTD (top)
372 Bad info
375 Bad server Message of the Day -
376 :End of /MOTD command.
377 Bad info
378 Bad info
422 :MOTD File is missing
NAMES (top)
353 = channel :names
366 channel :End of /NAMES list.
NICK (top)
298 nick :Nickname conflict has been resolved
431 :No nickname given
432 nickname :Erroneus Nickname
433 nickname :Nickname is already in use.
437 channel :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel
438 nick :Nick change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.
NOTICE (top)
403 channel :No such channel
404 channel :Cannot send to channel
407 target :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered
411 :No recipient given (command)
412 :No text to send
413 mask :No toplevel domain specified
414 mask :Wildcard in toplevel Domain
439 target :Target change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.
OPER (top)
381 :You are now an IRC Operator
491 :No O-lines for your host
PART (top)
403 channel :No such channel
442 channel :You're not on that channel
PASS (top)
462 :You may not reregister
PING (top)
409 :No origin specified
301 nick :away
403 channel :No such channel
404 channel :Cannot send to channel
407 target :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered
411 :No recipient given (command)
412 :No text to send
413 mask :No toplevel domain specified
414 mask :Wildcard in toplevel Domain
439 target :Target change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.
REHASH (top)
382 file :Rehashing
271 nick mask
272 nick :End of Silence List
511 mask :Your silence list is full
STATS (top)
211 connection sendq sentmsg sentbyte recdmsg recdbyte :open
212 command uses bytes
213 C address * server port class
214 N address * server port class
215 I ipmask * hostmask port class
216 k address * username details
217 P port ?? ??
218 Y class ping freq maxconnect sendq
219 char :End of /STATS report
222 mask :comment
223 E hostmask * username ?? ??
224 D ipmask * username ?? ??
241 L address * server ?? ??
242 :Server Up num days, time
243 o mask password user ?? class
244 H address * server ?? ??
247 G address timestamp :reason
248 U host * ?? ?? ??
249 :info
250 :Highest connection count: total (num clients)
SUMMON (top)
445 :SUMMON has been disabled
TIME (top)
391 server :time
TOPIC (top)
331 channel :No topic is set.
332 channel :topic
333 channel nickname time
403 channel :No such channel
442 channel :You're not on that channel
482 channel :You're not channel operator
USER (top)
462 :You may not reregister
302 :userhosts
USERIP (top)
307 :userips
USERS (top)
446 :USERS has been disabled
351 version.debug server :info
WATCH (top)
602 nick userid host time :stopped watching
603 :You have mine and are on other WATCH entries
604 nick userid host time :is online
605 nick userid host time :is offline
606 :nicklist
607 :End of WATCH query
WHO (top)
315 request :End of /WHO list.
352 channel username address server nick flags :hops info
416 command :Too many lines in the output, restrict your query
WHOIS (top)
301 nick :away
310 nick :looks very helpful
311 nick username address * :info
312 nick server :info
313 nick :is an IRC Operator
317 nick seconds signon :info
318 request :End of /WHOIS list.
319 nick :channels
431 :No nickname given
WHOWAS (top)
301 nick :away
314 nick username address * :info
369 request :End of WHOWAS
406 nickname :There was no such nickname
431 :No nickname given

Ceci est pour les english ^^
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Nombre de messages : 408
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2004

Liste des raws les plus courantes . Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liste des raws les plus courantes .   Liste des raws les plus courantes . Icon_minitimeVen 8 Juil - 22:16

Huhu simpa le tuto. Mon jeune padawan a largement dépasser son maitre niveau irc ^^ Bien joué les amis.

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Liste des raws les plus courantes . Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Liste des raws les plus courantes .   Liste des raws les plus courantes . Icon_minitime

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Liste des raws les plus courantes .
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